Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Tips from a Pregnant Woman

So I am officially past my due date and man have I been getting ticked by comments from others. So if you would like to stay on the good side of a pregnant woman, follow these tips:

1. Never say "Oh I thought you would have had your baby by now"
2. When the pregnant woman calls you don't immediately say "are you in labor" (some of us still have lives up until the birth of our baby)
3. Don't rub her stomach with out permission
4. Never comment on the size of the belly unless it's "you look really good..."

Those are just a few of the things that could help you stay on the good side of a pregnant woman.


Kate said...

You mean you're still pregnant?

Anonymous said...

What? That baby isn't here yet? Great! I'll be right over to give you a great big hug and rub your belly. ;)

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