Saturday, December 10, 2011


Man oh Man did a lot happen in 2011. So since I never put out a Christmas newsletter...this will have to count.

We got pregnant in late Spring but ended up having a miscarriage on vacation in Gatlinburg. It was very difficult on us.

Andrew and I made a huge decision to have me step down from my Director position and work part, part time from home to allow me to be a full time mom starting in September. BEST DECISION EVER!

A week after stepping down we find out we are pregnant. (He get to find out if it is a boy or girl the week before that is an awesome gift...being able to call the baby and name instead of "baby.")

Luke got potty trained before he turned 2 in October. He also began recognizing letters and counting to 5. The best part is he is starting to put sentences together. Some awesome phrases he says around the house would be "oh man," "thats awesome,"and "oh nuts." He is a smart, loving little boy that has a little stinker part to him.

We recently broke him from his paci and changed is bed into the full size version. And he has done great. The big perk is that he seems to have transitioned from waking up in the morning at 4:30 to now waking up around 5:30 or 6. YAY! And I did that all while Andrew was in Florida for work.

Andrew will not be going with us to Kansas this year (boo) because he is on short time line to get the basement completely remodeled before baby number 2 comes in May. But so far he has done a great job from demo to framing up walls and other things I didn't know of.

So in short that was our year. And I cannot wait to see what 2012 holds for us. (when I go to my other computer I will post some pictures form 2011)

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