Tuesday, July 3, 2007


Tonight July 3rd... and I get a call saying "you need to rush over to Growing Kids, the alarm is going off and the police are on their way." Well...I get everything taken care of at GK and I checked my voicemail before I left. My mom had called my direct line to my office and of course I wasn't in there and she left a message. The message said, "I just wanted to let you know that we are taking Abbie in today." She was crying. I knew what was going to happen. Abbie was getting very sick and was misbehaving on a regular basis. I know it was time but I loved this doggie sooo much. Just think of a miniature goat, that eats her own poo, and acts like she's starving at all times. That was Abbie. She was an overweight beagle, who would sleep on top of the couch, which by the way, she destroyed by making the cushions sag, but was always there to warm your feet. Well anyways, "Abbie, I love you and I just wanted to say goodbye."


Sam said...

hey come look at my blog. i slaved over it.

shannon said...

bybye abbie. :(